Client testimonials

Working with Todd is experiential.  It is deep, transformational work that reshapes who you are, how you see yourself and what you are capable of creating in your life. Todd understands me, and helps me see my blindspots.  His reflection of his experience working with me was spot on and shared in a way that I had never heard myself described. I know he will do, say, or ask anything in service of me, no matter how hard or painful it may be.  Todd sees my potential before I can see it or believe it. He speaks to who I am capable of being and challenges me to live into that vision of myself.   Todd supports and challenges me to take more consistent action in alignment with what I am responsible for and committed to and as I do, life expands, and new opportunities arise.   
— Edward Chu, Owner/President New Year Tech
He changed my life in one meeting.
— Joe Nucci, CEO/Founder Bubble, Executive Producer of "We Rise Up".
I have a very high standard for myself, for what I put out and produce. Todd helps reframe a lot of the prime thoughts that I have on a given subject or issues I’m trying to work through and peels back all the layers. There’s some sort of special filter Todd possesses that helps break through the topics, issues, and fights you are wrangling with, whether it be business relationships, personal relationships, or life in general. Todd helps remove the noise enabling me to see and determine my next steps clearly. I am a more confident, assertive, and direct leader. It’s a refinement process. I feel like we have breakthroughs in almost every meeting. I come in prepared and ready, and eager to engage.
— Preston Miller, General Partner/Owner/Investor Caruthers Properties
Our company engaged Todd to assist in a significant capital raise. He worked with us to clarify our pitch for a specific investor. At each phase of the pitch, he provided the insight we needed. I am pleased to say, that we successfully closed the funding round to allow our company to scale into the future. Todd brought energy and a level of positivity that was infectious. I recommend that you talk to Todd for your next raise.
— Jason Hilty, CFO Allied Payments
Everything has changed. This work is not siloed to career or to one thing specifically, it has a chain reaction and life will never be the same. I don’t want it to be the same. It’s the mindset shift, the “Yes” that Todd helped me work on, that opened me to believing that I can do and create and be whatever it is that I imagine. It has had an impact on every area of my life and it keeps getting better. Because of this work there’s a freedom that I feel in all areas of my life to make choices that are my own, not tethered to any neediness or for anyone else’s directive. They’re aligned with how I act, who I am, what I believe. When all three of those things are aligned, there’s freedom there, because you know that any decision and choice you’re making is yours. There’s huge value in knowing that.

Todd has a gift that’s so rare and inimitable that you can’t duplicate it. It’s his zone of genius, something that I’ve never seen anyone else do. His special skill set helps people see something differently about themselves so that they can get out of their own way and go create what they really never thought they could do or hadn’t even imagined yet. I’m honored to learn from him, to watch him do it.
— Katrina Levy Zidel, Creation Coach/Founder In Christy's Shoes
Our relationship with Todd began with executive coaching for myself and my team. I was in search of discovering a way to filter the unimportant things in my life and bring maximum value to what matters to me most; bottom line, I was in search of flow in my life and career. The relationship quickly grew into strategic consulting which enabled us to fuse two businesses together. Todd challenged our team and helped us create a framework that supported the big visions our team held. Having a clear path ahead put us in a position as a regional brand of dominance, and pound-for-pound, as good as any competitor in our industry. This clarity developed our team as Todd continued coaching individuals who played lesser parts in previous iterations of the business. These individuals now live into their potential and have become the leaders our business desired. A huge part of Todd’s mandate and value has been that he has aided us in charting a new course for each leader while propelling our company into industry-leading performance.
— Noah Mehrkam, CEO/Founder Arcland, CEO Self Storage Plus
In the three and a half years since I began working with Todd, I have closed bigger deals, made more money, and navigated the most sophisticated and complex personalities of my career. Yet, this is not the most important work we accomplished. I began working with Todd because I saw his ability to connect with others and craved to have that same ability myself. Todd has helped me learn it’s not enough to just be able to connect with others but how important it is to be connected to myself. I’ve succeeded most of my life by playing my role in other people’s visions. Now I am stepping forward. I am the one that’s walking on the sharp edge of what I want for myself and my purpose.
— Andrew Reamer, CEO ReMax Distinctive, Co-Founder/Partner Carstensz Capital.
The work I do with Todd continues to be the best return on investment I am making anywhere, with anything. From our initial meeting over three years ago, I walked away feeling hopeful and inspired. I felt called to action to take control of my own life, be in the driver’s seat, and live with intentionality. I was already successful in business; however, the genuineness of the experiences I’ve had since I have been in the driver’s seat, are vastly more robust, fulsome, complete, emotional, and alive than ever before. When working with Todd, the most important thing you need to know is you need to get comfortable being uncomfortable. Be ready to challenge yourself and really be honest with yourself about what it is you want and how you how you want to make changes to get there.
— Alan Zang, SVP, Finance & Operations CustomerFirst Renewables
Working with Todd helps me resonate with my clients better than I ever have before; I am listening with passion and stretching my vision for my coaching future. The biggest surprise was that I found how much I bring to the table with my clients and how much I undervalued my own personal worth. I’m a more powerful coach, and my clients are recognizing me for that. I’m not afraid or intimidated by asking for higher fees from clients and I’m more confident in my abilities as a leader and as a personal executive coach. My business and my income have tripled since I started working with Todd.
— Rod Thurley, Vistage Chair/Personal Executive Coach
The thing that resonates most with me about the work I do with Todd is that he helps me understand problems I didn’t know I had. He finds a way to clear away some of the fog, point you toward the issue and start working on a solution. There are not many people who do that effectively. He has a way of getting to the root of the issue. All of a sudden, you arrive at the destination, it becomes clear and you think, wow, I just had a breakthrough. Todd is like a business psychologist. While you can still elicit advice, the work is more focused on some of the internal things that might be holding you back. As we work through those, it seems we tend to find answers for the business side of it as well.

I’m seeing more significant growth, in terms of maturity and business acumen from people on my team because I’m not always just the immediate answer for them. That has been impactful, and it’s allowed me to rely on people, to not feel the whole weight of it on my shoulders. I’ve become much clearer in the way I communicate.
— Andrew Baxter, Owner/CEO Baxter Eats LLC and Skrimp Shack, Dumfries
After meeting Todd, I left knowing I could not afford to continue working without him. A year ago, I didn’t know what I wanted to do and what would fulfill me. Through my work with Todd, I’ve found out what makes me tick business-wise and have become reengaged. I’ve identified what I want to do and I’m confident I have the capability of doing it. Todd truly cares about the people in his life. The benefits I receive working with him flow into every area of my life.
— Jason Fisher, Owner/Investor/CEO
My work with Todd involves taking this burning desire to make vision therapy or vision rehab, to make it very public, a household word. Now I see a clear path but not in the way I originally thought. If you ask other people, if you only have ten years, what would you do differently? They say, “Oh, we would definitely be a lot more serious.” That’s how I feel. I don’t want to miss a meeting with Todd. I want to take full advantage. I want to do my homework because this is deeply meaningful to me. On a family level, on a business level, on a world level it has deeply connected with me. I am opening a new office, my team is 110% on board and is performing at a higher level, and we are making more money. This has changed my life.
— Dr. Tod Davis, Owner/CEO Virginia Vision Therapy Center
Todd challenges and pushes me to be to be the person I really want to be. To be better than I currently am, to think more powerfully, to be a better coach. I’m making more money and I’m having more fun. With Todd, there’s a true sense of authenticity. He really cares about you as a person and that shines through.

Todd not only helped me with my own personal growth but also helped me in terms of how I can increase the value and the impact that I have with my clients. I was able to expand the work that I was doing with them. If they were just one on one, I did more work with their companies and their teams. I was able to take on more prominent clients and in the two and a half years since we started, I’ve retained clients for longer periods because I continue to bring them value. In the last year and a half of my work with Todd, my business tripled.
— Jack Craven, Founder/Owner All In Executive Coaching